Right the evening was arranged by Obscurity and myslef Frosty Mr Fro joined him for a wander round southforelands ,the original plan being to visit both shelters both plotting rooms and the 4 magazines,as it happens we did the first set and decided to go elsewhere!headed onto oil mills west where i didnt take my camera as ive allready posted a report!Thx to mr fro for the helping hand up that ruddy wall!Next we had a wander round the path over looking the port for some night shots then decided to go to the Archcliffe galleries,the cells next door can still be done but even tighter squeeze that the galleries so we called it quites there..
Now excuse lack of technical info on the sites but Tbh there isnt much i can tell you guys that you dont allready know!!

Now excuse lack of technical info on the sites but Tbh there isnt much i can tell you guys that you dont allready know!!

Right the evening was arranged by Obscurity and myslef Frosty Mr Fro joined him for a wander round southforelands ,the original plan being to visit both shelters both plotting rooms and the 4 magazines,as it happens we did the first set and decided to go elsewhere!headed onto oil mills west where i didnt take my camera as ive allready posted a report!Thx to mr fro for the helping hand up that ruddy wall!Next we had a wander round the path over looking the port for some night shots then decided to go to the Archcliffe galleries,the cells next door can still be done but even tighter squeeze that the galleries so we called it quites there..
Now excuse lack of technical info on the sites but Tbh there isnt much i can tell you guys that you dont allready know!!
Right heres the pics
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